Avoid having “points” added to your driver’s license, yearly surcharges
on license renewals, and missing work for a court date. Contact The Law Office of James Tittle.
We know how to fight traffic violations. No court appearances. No office visit necessary.

The Law Office of James Tittle can fight your tickets and moving violations, and we can also remove any outstanding warrants that may have been issued if you missed a court date. Don’t risk driving with an active warrant, call our attorneys and we will get the warrants lifted. We handle tickets and citations on both Commercial Licenses (CDL) as well as standard Class C licenses.
We can help you keep tickets off of your record (even if you have a commercial driver license – CDL). If you have warrants for old ticket, we can get a new court date if you have warrants and have the warrant removed. We will show up to court without you, so you do not have to miss work for a court date. Typically, we are able to reduce the fines you are facing and keep you from getting “points” on your license. Too many points on your license during a specified time frame may result in a license suspension or surcharges. Our primary goal is to keep your insurance rates from increasing; possibly keep you from taking a defensive driving course; and possibly even get the ticket thrown out altogether. This means that we can save you time and money.
It is no secret that cities make a lot of money from issuing traffic tickets and moving violations. There is no reason to pay more than your fair share or be inconvenienced by a court date in the middle of the work week. Our attorneys handle traffic tickets in the League City Municipal Court; Friendswood Municipal Court, Texas City Municipal Court; Dickinson Municipal Court; Kemah Municipal Court; and most of Galveston County and the surrounding areas.
Hire an attorney to take care of your traffic tickets and moving violations. For a one-time fee The Law Office of James Tittle can easily represent you on your tickets or other class C charges.
A few useful links:
Warrants may be issued for multiple reasons. Some common reasons a warrant may be issued for your arrest is failing to appear at a court date, failing to comply with court orders after being present for a court date, or there is a warrant issued for your arrest based on probable cause to believe you committed a crime. To check the status of a warrant it may be necessary to contact the court that would have issued the warrant.
To check for traffic related warrants: http://www.texasfailuretoappear.com/
To check the status of your driving record or license eligibility: https://txapps.texas.gov/txapp/txdps/dleligibility/login.do